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Baby - An Owner's Manual

Price: $9.95

Congratulations on becoming a BABY owner! Your new acquisition, with proper care and maintenance, should provide you with many years of enjoyment. This manual is a complete guide to the care and operation of your new unit. Instructions for models XX-G, “Baby Girl” and XY-B, “Baby Boy” are included herein, with specific instructions for handling, filling, storing, transporting, cleaning, and troubleshooting. To keep your unit in proper working order, please follow all instructions carefully.

Warning: The publishers of this manual are not responsible for any damage unit causes to owner’s home, property, or mental health. Please allow up to nine months for delivery.

About the Author

Steve Tague is a commercial photographer. He lives in Bend, Oregon with his sons Max and Dakota.
Julie Long is a freelance writer. She lives with her husband Brian on a farm in Pennsylvania.


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